NSBAR is Committed to the Safety of all our Members
That’s why NSBAR was the first-in-market to partner with FOREWARN – a revolutionary safety app that enables our Members to achieve due diligence on virtually any prospect in seconds on their smartphones or tablets.
This breakthrough technology is a critical asset in your safety arsenal —
and best of all it is an INCLUDED NSBAR MEMBER BENEFIT.
Setting up your account is quick and easy:
Setting up:
Click here and enter your email address when prompted, then look out for the activation email in your inbox (or sometimes spam/junk) and follow the instructions within that email to finish setting up.
Find FOREWARN in your app store:
Click here from your mobile device for Android app
Click here from your mobile device for iOS / Apple / iPhone / iPad app
For a brief video introduction and tutorial on FOREWARN, you can also click here.
Be mindful in how you use this Powerful Tool
Having access to a consumer’s background information might be handy in terms of determining whether the person is who they say they are; but that information could also lead to charges of discrimination, especially in certain geographic areas in Illinois. Acting in line with current Fair Housing laws, the user must be extremely careful not to use a person’s background information in a manner that would be discriminatory based on the consumer’s membership in a protected class.
In Illinois, an agent can use an app that provides a prospective client’s identity and basic background information through public records. However, information that cannot be considered would include arrest records where there were no convictions, juvenile records or expunged records.
The agent and the agent’s company could decide not to assist a person with a list of criminal convictions that show a history of threats to persons or property. In such cases, the office policy and the agent would need to be sure that business is declined or accepted on a consistent basis in order to remain compliant with federal and state fair housing laws.
It is of utmost importance that agents, companies and associations located in specific local jurisdictions do more analysis before utilizing the background check apps available to their members and/or sponsored licensees.
Forewarn FAQs
Need help?
FOREWARN Customer Support is ready to assist!
For any issues with FOREWARN, please contact FOREWARN support at
561-757-4551 or support@forewarn.com,
Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm EST.