With connections to Mortgage and Title Service professionals - as well as Home Inspectors and other ancillary resources - NSBAR's Strategic Partner Program helps Members amplify their client offerings.
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Strategic partner directory
Teal Strategic Partners
Silver Strategic Partners
Bronze Strategic Partners
NSBAR Affiliates
- Lori Amatolamato@chwpro.com
Choice Home Warranty
- Ira Piltzira@piltzlaw.com
Law Offices of Ira Piltz
- Richard Rossrichardrosslaw@sbcglobal.net
Law Office of Richard Ross
- Kathleen ShanahanKshanahan1@oldrepublictitle.com
Old Republic Title
- Michael A. Goldhirshmichael@goldhirshlaw.com
Michael A. Goldhirsh/Attorney at Law
- Stacey Goresgore@propertitle.com
Proper Title
- Peter Cotsirilospcotsirilos@kwcommercial.com
Self Storage Developers
- Sheryl Cohen Beckersheryl.becker@stonehavenmtg.com
Stonehaven Mortgage
- Yamin A. Yaminya2.yamin@gmail.com
Yamin A. Yamin